Trading Thoughts
I will post up random thoughts about trades and trading in this Blog.
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Trading the Coronavirus Vaccine Market Moves. The market moves following the announcement of good results in Pfizer's vaccine trial were certainly swift, affecting many markets. This video looks at the charts of some instruments that offered great trading opportunities. You did not need to be in front of your...
Profits vs Drawdown.
Chasing high profits without having regard for the associated drawdowns is what sends most traders broke. In this video I examine some actual backtest results with regard for the profit vs drawdown as well as the total number of trades.
Weekly Trading Update 27/6/20
In this video I discuss weekly and daily charts of some of the instruments that I trade. Please refer to the disclaimer at the bottom of this page. The content of this video is for education purposes only and should not be regarded as trading tips or investment advice.
Gravestone Doji candles on Weekly Index Charts This week has seen the formation of Gravestone Doji candles on World Index weekly charts. These tend to be an indicator of a change in direction from the bear market rally we have had in recent times, so we may see markets slide this coming week. Bullish market...
Weekly Trading Charts from 27/4/20 – 1/5/20 This week saw many great trading opportunities, especially in the World Index markets. Three up days early in the week followed by 2 down days saw the markets close about even for the week, however shorter term traders had profitable long trades early and then some...
Be mindful of the chance of gaps after the Easter break.
ASX200 update 28/3/2020
As the ASX200 nears the 2013 and 2016 support levels, where to from here? The Volatility in the markets is very high, and inexperienced traders will find themselves in strife if they don't factor the volatility in.
Computer or phone for trading??
From time to time I get asked if it is OK to trade using a mobile phone. My answer is nearly always the same: It is ok to actually enter the trades on the phone, but chart analysis is nigh on impossible on a mobile, and I don't like to see trades placed without the correct analysis being...
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